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Why a Heat Pump Water Heater Should Be Your Next Investment

Why a Heat Pump Water Heater Should Be Your Next Investment

Do you still rely on traditional water heaters?

Then, it is time you know the truth.

According to the Energy Rating Website, close to 23% of a typical household’s total energy usage in Australia goes to traditional water heaters, where they contribute to up to 20% to the total energy cost. On top of that, they are responsible for up to 20% of total Australian residential emissions. 

If you are still using these outdated water heaters, you are causing environmental harm and spending more on energy. It is high time to replace them with a more energy-efficient, affordable, and cleaner solution like a heat pump water heater. 

Heat Pump Technology Explained

Heat pump water heaters are the latest addition in the water heating industry, as they warm stored water using ambient heat.

They use the same technology as refrigerators but in reverse. A refrigerator uses a refrigerant liquid to dump heat into the air. On the other hand, heat pumps use a refrigerant to collect heat from air.

The process begins when the fan pumps air into the system. This air has ambient heat which is extracted by the refrigerant. Upon extracting the ambient heat, the refrigerant temperature rises, and it is pumped through to the heat exchanger in the tank containing cold water. 

The heat is transferred from the refrigerant to the water keeping it warm in the tank. The process keeps repeating, ensuring continuous heating for a steady supply of hot water.

Notably, there are no electric heating elements or fossil combustion involved when heating water with heat pumps and this translates into reduced electric costs and environmental impact. 

Why Choose a Heat Pump for Your Water Heating Needs

Unmatched Energy Efficiency

Heat pumps are more efficient than any other water heating solution you may think of in Australia. The systems don’t generate heat directly like rival heating technologies do. Rather, they utilise a refrigeration cycle to capture already existing heat from the surrounding air and transfer it to the stored water in a tank.

This process only needs electricity to power low-consuming heat pump components (fan, condenser, and heat exchanger), as opposed to standard electric heaters where a lot of power is consumed by the heating element. 

Due to their low energy requirements, the Department of Energy says heat pump water heaters save up to 70% compared to standard electric water heaters. Further, they achieve a higher CoP of 3 – 4 as per ACT – Climates. So, for every unit of electricity consumed, they deliver 3 to 4 units of heat energy to keep your water warm. Over time, you realise a significant drop in your energy bills. 

Heat Pumps Recover Their Costs

Among the compelling reasons why you should invest in heat pumps over traditional water heaters is their ability to recoup costs. According to data from the Climate Choices – ACT Government, a quality heat pump installation will cost you around $5,500.

The same data says a standard electric or gas system costs approximately $1,800. At first glance, it seems these options are less costly than heat pumps; however, the picture changes when you consider running costs. 

Annually, heat pumps cost $478 to run. On the other hand, a standard electric unit costs around $1,435 in annual running costs. Considering the low running costs for heat pumps, they repay their costs in just 4 to 6 years. After that time, you will continue to enjoy uninterrupted hot water and ongoing savings on energy bills. 

Uninterrupted Hot Water Supply

Another key benefit to investing in a heat pump water heater is their guarantee to supply hot water throughout Australia’s varying seasons and temperatures.

As discussed, these systems rely on ambient heat which is always available in the surroundings. So, they can always capture this heat even under -5°C and transfer it to keep your water warm and ready as needed. 

On the contrary, traditional heating methods don’t provide this reliability. For instance, instant electric water heaters rely on the grid which can experience power blackouts and surges affecting functionality.

Similarly, solar water heaters depend primarily on the sun which may be less abundant in colder areas, especially during winter. And the same goes for gas water heaters – they rely on gas reservoirs which can deplete!  

Compatibility with Solar Power

If you have a solar power system installed, you should have considered a heat pump water heater installation long ago.

These systems offer an advantage in that they are designed to work with your excess PV system power so you can reduce reliance on the grid. According to Solar Quotes, the combination of heat pumps with PV systems can lower overall water heating bills by up to 90%. 

This combination works particularly well during the day when there’s abundant sunlight. Your solar system supplies the power the heat pump normally draws from the grid leading to huge cost savings.

Supposing you use hot water mostly during the day or have low usage, your solar system can completely replace the grid, which means you get free uninterrupted hot water supply.

Heat Pumps are Kind to the Environment

As someone who cares about the environment, investing in a heat pump water heating system proves your commitment. HPWH is known to be a cleaner water heating solution since it mostly relies on renewable energy sources.

The process of extracting ambient heat from the air doesn’t involve the combustion of any fossil fuels as is the case with gas and electric heaters. That means the pollution associated with such combustion is eliminated by heat pumps. 

In addition to all that, Australian heat pumps are said to use a safer refrigerant with minimal impact on the environment. The refrigerant liquid is used to move heat and according to the IEA, it further helps modern heat pumps lower emissions by 20%. 

Heat Pumps are More Durable

Another reason why you should consider a switch to heat pump water heating is durability.

The systems are built with the Australian climate in mind so you can trust them to function properly in all regions. They incorporate features like automatic defrost and corrosion resistance materials ensuring they can last even in areas with harsh climatic conditions. 

Besides, heat pump technology in itself facilitates durability. The lack of active heating and combustion elements means there is less wear and tear over time. This explains why Cyanergy says modern heat pumps last up to 20 years while traditional water heaters like instant electric and gas typically last up to 15 years. 

Another thing enhancing heat pump durability is smart diagnostic capabilities. This means they can detect and alert you about potential issues, allowing you to tackle minor issues before they become major. 

Affordable With Government Rebates

Australia is committed to reaching 0% emissions in the year 2050. To achieve this, the government and local authorities are making it easier for residents to install renewable solutions like HPWH. They are doing this by offering rebates or incentives to everyone who installs an HPHW. 

These rebates and incentives are given as a refund of a portion of the total costs used to purchase and install heat pumps.

A good example is New South Wales where the government is offering up to $1,200 after installing a qualifying heat pump. Another example is in Victoria. Here, homeowners can access a rebate of up to $1,000 through the Solar Homes program

Embracing the Future of Hot Water

As you can tell by now, heat pumps are the only surefire solution to alleviate the economic and environmental impacts of traditional water heaters.

These systems use already existing heat thereby lowering heating costs. Additionally, they promise to reduce environmental emissions by reducing the need to burn fossils. This means a safer environment for us and future generations.

Best of all, they are among the Australian government’s preferred water heating choices and will see you benefit from financial aid upon installation.

Now the question remains – what excuse do you have for waiting before you install a heat pump water heater? The best time is now and fortunately, Hot Water Hub is here to see you through. Get in touch now. 

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Hot Water Hub

Hot Water Hub is your number one source for hot water systems in Australia. With best products, pricing, and customer service, we aim is to offer you the most reliable hot water services for your home and business.

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