Home » Most Energy Efficient Hot Water System in Australia

Most Energy Efficient Hot Water System in Australia

Most Energy Efficient Hot Water System in Australia

Key Takeaways:

  • Heat pump hot water systems are considered the most energy-efficient option for Australian homes, offering up to 80% energy savings compared to conventional systems.
  • The Australian government offers various incentives and rebates, such as the Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) and Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs), to make energy-efficient hot water systems more affordable for consumers.
  • When choosing a hot water system, essential factors include energy efficiency, maintenance requirements, climate suitability, environmental impact, cost, and appropriate sizing for household needs.
  • Modern energy-efficient water heating technologies, including tankless and smart systems, aim to minimize energy waste and offer features like remote temperature control and integration with home automation platforms.

    Get a heavily subsidised energy-saving heat pump through the NSW Energy Savings Scheme. Claim your government rebates today! Get a FREE quote or Call Now

    Households require an efficient hot water system. It is well thought of as an investment in saving money and protecting the environment.

    The key to success here is using systems that save energy while maximising performance. Many water heaters work cost-effectively in homes and businesses, optimising efficiency without sacrificing comfort.

    Australia is one of the countries working to ensure the adoption of renewable energy solutions. Australian residents primarily use hot water systems in residential and commercial areas.

    The availability of solar, gas, electricity, and heat pump hot water systems has contributed to the massive use of hot water systems, allowing households and businesses to achieve their water heating needs. 

    However, you may ask yourself: which of the four is the most efficient hot water system for Australian homes? 

    Energy-Efficient Water Heating Systems

    Traditional tank systems are one of the most common water heating methods. They constantly heat and store large volumes of water, leading to an inefficient method of delivering hot water with much-wasted energy when it is not in use. 

    On the other hand, modern energy-efficient water heating systems aim to minimise energy waste. Newer technologies, such as tankless and solar water heaters, provide advanced access to hot water in homes and businesses. A tankless hot water system instantly offers hot water.

    Also, traditional systems will cut standby energy losses. Innovative water heating technologies allow users to control temperatures remotely. They primarily come with smart thermostats, hence optimising energy consumption even more.

    Solar and hybrid water heating systems

    Solar-powered hot water systems are considered an environmental way of heating water.

    They are ideal for property owners who are concerned about being environmentally friendly. The solar energy used here reduces reliance on fossil fuels to a minimum. Solar water heaters best perform in sunny regions. 

    Another alternative to traditional systems is a hybrid water heater, which combines a heat pump with electric or gas backups. Heat pumps are very efficient heating systems.

    It draws heat from air to warm water, which works well in moderate climates. Such systems are considered the best in terms of high efficiency and financial savings on energy bills.

    Different types of hot water systems available in Australia

    1. Traditional Storage Water Heaters

    Traditional storage water heaters were once the most  popular choice in Australia; however, they are slowly losing their popularity. According to Selectra, these systems cost anywhere between $450 and $1900, and they have three main parts: a well-insulated container, a heating mechanism, and a thermostat.

    The heating mechanism can be an electric or gas heating element. It’s meant to heat the domestic water until it attains a set temperature on the thermostat. The water is then stored in the insulated tank ready for use at home. 

    While most Australians find these traditional storage water heaters easier and cheaper to install, they are actually less efficient and, therefore, more expensive in the long run.


    Because their insulation allows the stored water to lose significant heat to the surroundings.

    This heat loss means the heating mechanism must reheat the water regularly to attain the thermostat temperature. This results in higher energy consumption and, subsequently, larger utility bills over time. 

    2. Tankless or Demand-type Water Heaters

    Tankless/demand-type water heaters differ from traditional storage water heaters. Instead of continuously heating and storing water within an insulated tank, tankless units heat water on demand, meaning that they only activate when cold water enters them. 

    This technology eliminates the standby losses associated with holding pre-heated water in a tank, thereby increasing energy efficiency and reducing operational costs. These systems can be up to 24%-30% efficient and the unit cost ranges from $600 up to $3,500. 

    3. Solar Water Heaters

    Unlike traditional storage tanks and electric heaters, solar hot water systems use the sun’s renewable energy. These systems consist of solar collectors and a storage tank. Collectors absorb sunlight and transfer its heat to the water in the tank.

    As you can see, these systems tap into renewable energy, significantly reducing harmful emissions released by fossil fuels. According to the Clean Energy Council, solar water heaters can lower household carbon emissions in Australia by 2.4 to 3 tonnes. 

    Moreover, they are highly efficient, converting up to 80% of sun radiation into energy, as Noted by Arcadia. With such a high conversion rate, Renew Energy estimates that they save households up to $400 per year for every kW.

    On the flipside, solar water heaters work efficiently in regions with plenty of sun and may struggle in cold temperatures. The purchase costs can be significant ranging from $3000 to $6000 as indicated by SolarQuotes. However, they can benefit from government rebates if they meet standards. 

    4. Heat Pump Water Heaters

    These are appliances that warm domestic water using thermal energy from the surrounding air without creating any heat themselves.

    They extract the existing heat from the surrounding air and transfer it to water stored in a tank using a refrigerant. The entire process only uses electricity to move the captured heat, resulting in 30% less electricity usage than conventional electric water heaters, according to  DCCEEW

    On top of this, heat pumps are known to have a high CoP of more than three, meaning that for every unit of electricity they consume, they can generate about three to four units of heating energy. This makes them more energy efficient for households looking to save on energy bills.

    Moreover, heat pump hot water systems have negligible emissions, meaning they won’t contribute to greenhouse gasses that lead to global warming. As noted by the  Beyond Zero Emission, this system can make greenhouse emissions up to 81% lower by 2030. That is good news for environmentally conscious homeowners! 

    Sadly, this system can be more expensive than other methods, costing up to $2500 to $5500 for the average family. Fortunately, the government recognizes the benefits of heat pumps and offers several incentives and rebates to make them more affordable.

    Water Heater Efficiency Optimization

    The secret word for inefficient water heaters is thermal efficiency. It is the fraction of a system that converts energy into heat. Optimised water heating systems are designed to utilise the highest percentage of energy for heating with minimal environmental dissipation. 

    For example, instant hot water systems offer hot water within the shortest time, minimising water wastage while waiting to heat up.

    Other possible improvements include installing heat recovery systems. Such systems enhance the capturing and reutilization of waste heat from wastewater, increase the efficiency of heating water, and reduce energy consumption accordingly.

    Smart and sustainable solutions and new water heating technologies integrate homeowners’ hot water systems with home automation platforms. These technologies ensure water is heated only when necessary, reducing energy waste. 

    Smart thermostats monitor water usage, adjust heating times, and alert users when system issues occur. These systems attract those oriented toward convenience and low-energy hot water systems.

    Also, sustainable water heating contributes significantly to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. As consumers start profoundly liking sustainability, eco-friendly hot water systems can help the environment. 

    Heat pump as a most efficient hot water system

    A heat pump hot water system relies on the surrounding air to extract the heat, which is used to heat water through a unique mechanism.

    This specialised working mechanism, performed by heat pump hot water systems, involves using a compressor that increases the pressure and the temperature of the refrigerant, enabling it to transfer heat effectively.

    At times, the electricity is used to operate the compressor and fan, but not primarily for heating water.

    A Refrigerant, a compressor, and a storage tank are the components that facilitate heat extraction, transfer, and electricity usage.

    In a heat pump hot water system’s functionality, no fuel is required, as opposed to a traditional hot water system. This is because the technology of heat pumps is based on efficient heat transfer from ambient air to the water, which makes the heat pump hot water system very efficient.

    Benefits of the heat pump hot water system

    Australian homes’ most common heat pumps are air-to-water and ground-source heat pumps. Another type is the water-to-water heat pump, primarily used in pools. For better efficiency, heat pumps are in split or integrated systems.

    The following benefits, however, make the heat pumps most efficient for Australian homes; 

    Energy efficiency

    The primary principle of heat pumps is heat transfer rather than heat generation, as discussed above.

    Thus, efficiency is achieved as the heat pump system extracts heat from the ambient air, meaning that the higher the ambient air temperatures, the better the efficiency. 

    There are better energy savings when heat pumps are used.

    This is due to the COP ranging from 3.0 to 4.0. A heat pump with COP of 3 will move three units of heat for every one unit of electricity. Energy savings of up to 80% are thus assured when using a heat pump, making it the best choice for Australian homes. 

    Consistent Heating

    Heat pump hot water systems provide heating consistency, ensuring users have hot water for extended periods.  Unlike the solar hot water that relies on solar energy to generate heat, the heat pump transfers heat from surrounding areas and suits well residents in Melbourne, which has a cooler climate.

    Green Technology

    Choosing a heat-pump hot water system allows Australian households to contribute to a green, eco-friendly environment.

    The heat pump’s low carbon emissions help minimise its carbon footprint. A heat pump user will also benefit from the resale value, as most people will prefer the eco-friendly operation offered by heat pumps. 


    Australia is a nation committed to achieving a sustainable and energy-efficient environment. Hot water systems, such as solar and heat pumps, are the popular options. These serve household needs and allow Australian residents to achieve sustainable goals.

    However, heat pumps overtake the gas and traditional electric hot water systems due to cheaper heat provision. 


    Installing a heat pump requires minimal effort and labour. Just an electrician and plumber, and all is set. Installation prices will vary with the type of heat pump, location, and size, as well as discounts, rebates and incentives.

    However, consider consulting a verified heat pump professional.

    Government Incentives and Rebates Make Heat Pump Water Even More Affordable

    Rebates are future benefits the supplier offers consumers, such as stocking incentives or volume rebates.

    Thus, Australian households can expect various rebates and incentives from the government. These schemes commit to the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. 

    Different types of rebates and incentives are offered in Australia, at both federal and state levels, to allow customers to receive discounts, making the up-front installation costs of heat pumps affordable to buyers. 

    The Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs)

    Victorian residents benefit from this scheme, as certificates can be traded for financial benefits, including incentives for upgrades like heat pump hot water systems. 

    The Solar Victoria and the Victorian Energy Upgrades program provide Australian residents with rebates for installing heat pumps in the Victoria region. Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates come with various rebates, allowing Victorian residents to save up to $2600 on the heat pump hot water system.

    NSW Energy Savings Schemes

    This scheme ensures only one-for-one replacements of older water heaters in residential and small business settings with a more efficient heat pump. The scheme gives consumers a discount on installation, saving them a reasonable sum. 

    Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

    Installing an eligible heat pump water system qualifies for STCs, which liable entities can trade on a dedicated market to meet renewable energy obligations. The income generated from the trade can reduce the up-front installation costs, making it affordable for the owners. 

    Households can also benefit from the return on investments since the STC value can fluctuate depending on the demand. This is for those who decide to install heat hot water systems.

    As your trusted commercial hot water specialists, we help you claim valuable government rebates on your hot water system. Don’t miss this opportunity. Get a FREE quote or Call Now

    What to Consider when Choosing a Reliable Hot Water Unit 

    ➤ Energy efficiency: Always use a highly energy-efficient hot water system to minimize your long-term operating costs. To determine whether a system is energy efficient, check if it’s Energy Star certified. This guarantees less energy waste and lower bills. 

    ➤ Maintenance requirements: Some hot water systems require much maintenance, while others need almost no maintenance. For example, storage tank systems usually need more maintenance than heat pump water heaters.  Be sure to check the frequency of maintenance needed and the costs incurred for each service.

    ➤ Climate: When choosing a new hot water system, consider your region’s climate. Depending on where you live, certain systems might work better than others. For example, in a colder climate, systems with a higher BTU output work best and the converse is true.

    ➤ Environmental impact: As the Australian Government aims to achieve 0% greenhouse gas emission by 2050, you should participate by choosing a water-heating solution with a minimal impact on the environment. In this case the best option is using renewable energy like solar and heat pumps. 

    ➤ Cost: It goes without saying, cost is always a factor when buying a household water heater. Some systems will be pricier or cheaper than others because of differences in brand, model, and features. Keep this in mind and get quotes from different retailers to find the best deal. Also check whether there are any government rebates that would offset some of the costs of a new system.

    ➤ Size: Another critical factor to consider when choosing a hot water system is size. It’s an important consideration, especially if your system delivers enough hot water to meet your household’s demand. If you have a larger family, you need a larger system than a smaller one. 


    A hot water system installed efficiently saves energy. It also improves performance, cuts costs, and supports sustainability. Consumers can choose among tankless, solar, and hybrid water heaters to suit their unique demands. 

    Investing in an energy-efficient system saves money and is friendly to the environment. It reduces energy use while ensuring comfort for years. These innovations have become crucial in the demand for green hot water solutions. It helps people and the earth.

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    Hot Water Hub

    Hot Water Hub is your number one source for hot water systems in Australia. With best products, pricing, and customer service, we aim is to offer you the most reliable hot water services for your home and business.

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